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Door Lock Settings
Ôîðóì > Áðîíåäâåðè è êîìïëåêòóþùèå > Ñòàíäàðòû íà äâåðè è çàìêè
Hello all ,

try to view the Scion Xd website. there it gives a few video instructions on altering the settings of the door locks. i tried it myself and it worked on the corolla too.

the default with the corolla is when you start the engine and move the shifter from P to D/3, all the doors lock. in the Scion Xd site it gives a video instruction where you can have the door to lock up when the car reaches a certain speed.

what i dont like about the corolla door lock up default setting is when you stop and put the the shifter to P again, all the doors unlock. im kinda paranoid about having the doors unlocked while i am inside the car. so for me the 2nd video instruction is most suitable.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
...anation.com/forum/149-coro...k-setting... deleted

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In the same way, i remember that itsnt place for promotion of auto's locks. All URLs will be deleted.

We dont interest of cars or cars' locks, but we will be glad if you share there any information about crimes and thefts, some statistics about it.

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Statistic of crimes of appartments' thefts

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We have the most powefull safety doors & materials Youtube channel in Ukraine. Enjoy)


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